Frankfort – Rob Bales is a retired Frankfort City Police Officer, retiring in July 2019, and was diagnosed with ALS in February 2019. He served on the force for 23-years.
Since his retirement, Rob has continued his fight against ALS and is now in need of an ALS power chair. The chair will be customed fitted to his body and is very expensive – after insurance, he is left a $5,400 co-pay.
According to a press release, the Bales family has incurred great expenses due to his illness. His wife, Teresa, is Rob’s sole caregiver and needs to be able to focus on his care and not determining how to come up with the monies necessary to purchase this much needed and critical piece of mobility equipment.
Most importantly the Bales family needs our prayers.
As a community let’s rally around and give back to Rob – he dedicated his career to serving and protecting all of those that live in Clinton County.
If you are able to help in any way financially (any amount is appreciated).
Donations can be made to:
Robert Bales ALS Donational Fund
First Merchant’s Bank
60 S. Main Street
Frankfort, IN 46041 765-654-8533
“Alone we can do so little, Together we can do so much!”