FRANKFORT, Ind. – Frankfort Chief of Police Scott Shoemaker announced a promotion and a new hire to the force at the Monday night Board of Public Works and Safety meeting.
The BOW approved the hiring of Ethan Cunningham to replace Mike Cesare who is retiring on October 3. Cunningham is a graduate of Tipton Schools and has been a Corrections Officer the past two years with the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office. He was sworn in by Mayor Judy Sheets with his family and friends in attendance. Cunningham will start September 5.

“I’m so excited to have him on the department,” said Sheets. “He’s a great guy. He has been a corrections officer at the Clinton county Sheriff’s office and he looks forward to coming to our department.”
The promotion was of Officer Brett Dale to the rank of Sergeant. Dale is a field training officer, a certified general instructor, STOPS instructor and a member of the SWAT team. Dale has been a police officer for the past ten years, joining FPD on May 26,2020. He was unanimously selected by the promotion committee and the promotion was effective August 8, 2022.

“I think [he’s] very deserving of the promotion,” said Sheets.