Frankfort Class of 2020 Graduation To Be Held “Via A Virtual Platform”

Today, Tuesday, April 21, 2020, members of the Frankfort Class of 2020 received an email from Frankfort High School Principal Cindy Long informing them a decision has been made to hold graduation “via a virtual platform” on Saturday, May 23, 2020, at 10 a.m.

An online petition has been created requesting signatures from the public to postpone graduation date, like Lebanon High School, and allow for in-person graduation to take place in August.

The petition can be found here:

Below is the full text of the email sent to Frankfort High School Seniors.

Class of 2020

As I’ve said previously, I so wish you were here at school and everything were “normal.” I realize that many of you have missed out on the senior moments that you’ve been looking forward to experiencing. So many things have been simply cancelled or even postpone to an unidentified date, which is difficult to deal with as well.

Frankfort High School is dedicated to celebrating you and your accomplishments, and we’re dedicated to keeping you and your families safe. We are currently planning to have graduation at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 23. All of the components will be in place. There will be speeches by your administration and your class leaders. Valedictorians and Salutatorians will also speak. There will be the turning of the tassel and music, and your name will be called and all will see you in your cap and gown. And it’s going to happen virtually.

This isn’t a decision that has been taken lightly and we are determined to have a graduation celebration for all of you when we’re able to gather together. We want you to be able to snap those pictures with your friends and family in your caps and gowns and be recognized for all that you have accomplished. Because we’re unsure of when that could happen, we wanted to make sure that you’re recognized here in May, even if it has to be via a virtual platform.

There is a letter that is being sent to your homes outlining all of this for families, but I wanted to communicate with you, class of 2020. We all care very much about you and your feelings. We believe that by having a guaranteed graduation date, albeit one that “looks” different, we are saluting you in an unprecedented way during unprecedented times.

I appreciate your continued effort in your coursework and I know that together we will find a way to celebrate and honor each of you in a way that is safe and as extraordinary as each of you.

Thank you.

Cindy Long

Brett W. Todd is the managing editor of Clinton County Today. Clinton County Today is a community-focused website to provide individuals of Clinton County Indiana and surrounding areas with information impacting their lives. Clinton County Today is a service of Progressive Partners of Indiana, LLC where Brett W. Todd is its managing member.