The Paul Green Rock Academy (PGRA) is an advanced touring ensemble of young musicians between the ages of 10 and 18 who have been selected for their musical prowess, showmanship, love of performing, and ability to share the stage with professional musicians as they tour the world. This summer the students will be touring as…
Terry Lee and his Million Dollar Band are a high energy, first class show band built around the lightning fast piano pumpin’, Rockaboogie playing of London England’s Terry Lee Ridley. You will be left breathless as Terry and his group of world class musicians thunder through a large selection of hits from the 50’s and…
What did the Mama Hot Dog say to the little frankfurter? Ketch-up! Get your buns movin’ as you relish the beauty of this amazing 5K on neighborhood streets in beautiful downtown Frankfort. Come early and enjoy a great warm-up. Day of registrations & packet pick-up at 7 am. E Washington St.
Speed Retrieve is a “timed event”. At the far end of the pool a bumper toy is suspended 2” above the water with a starting indicator light above it. The dog is then placed at the 20’ white starting mark on the dock, when the light turns green the handler releases the dog, the time…
You can expect the biggest jaw dropping tricks imaginable. The non-stop action will keep your group riveted. The emcee will announce all the action while the stunt team executes thrilling feats to an energizing soundtrack. The ramp used is the larger 5’ x 8’ x 24’ box jump. This allows for bigger stunts and for…
One Christ, One Body. A non-denominational worship service featuring VOX5 Acapella. Sponsored by the Clinton County Ministerial Association and Frankfort Main Street, Inc. Join us for a UNIFIED worship experience to close the annual Frankfort Hot Dog Festival! Please bring your own chair. The Farmers Bank Performance Center Stage at Prairie Creek Park - E…