
Brett W. Todd - page 59

Brett W. Todd has 924 articles published.

Brett W. Todd is the managing editor of Clinton County Today. Clinton County Today is a community-focused website to provide individuals of Clinton County Indiana and surrounding areas with information impacting their lives. Clinton County Today is a service of Progressive Partners of Indiana, LLC where Brett W. Todd is its managing member.

Update (9/21/20): No New Clinton County Resident Tested Positive For COVID-19 As Reported By The ISDH

Indianapolis – The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) announced today, Monday, September 21, 2020, Clinton County had no new resident tested positive, 591 residents have tested positive for COVID-19. There are 12 deaths related to COVID-19 in Clinton County. At least 8,200 unique tests have been administrated to residents of Clinton County as reported by the ISDH.

The rolling 7-day positivity rate of unique individuals for Clinton County is 1.6% as of September 14, 2020. The State of Indiana as a whole is 6.6%.

Additionally, the ISDH announced that 535 additional Hoosiers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 through testing at ISDH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and private laboratories. That brings to 112,027 the total number of Indiana residents known to have the novel coronavirus following corrections to the previous day’s total.

A total of 3,287 Hoosiers have died to date. Deaths are reported based on when data are received by ISDH and occurred over multiple days.

To date, 1,308,645 unique tests have been administrated on Hoosiers and reported to ISDH, up from 1,301,940 on Sunday.

The Regenstrief Institute released updated hospitalization data as of September 20, 2020, 11:59 p.m. for Clinton County. Data are unique individuals and cumulative.

Total Hospitalizations: 47
Emergency Visits: 111
ICU Admits: 10
Hospital Deaths: 5

Statewide Recovery: 88,173 (84%)
Statewide Deceased: 3,287 (3%)
Statewide Active: 13,606 (13%)

Free COVID-19 Test Center in Clinton County
Children age 3 and older can be tested as well as anyone who needs a test can get tested.

Clinton County Fairgrounds in the Edward Jones Building
1701 S Jackson St.
Frankfort, IN
8am – 6pm (Monday – Friday)

To schedule a test, use one of the following:
phone: (888) 634-1116

The COVID-19 testing clinic has tested an additional 4,000+ Clinton County residents since May 13th.

Retired Frankfort Police Officer Rob Bales Needs Community Help To Purchase ALS Power Chair

Frankfort – Rob Bales is a retired Frankfort City Police Officer, retiring in July 2019, and was diagnosed with ALS in February 2019. He served on the force for 23-years.

Since his retirement, Rob has continued his fight against ALS and is now in need of an ALS power chair. The chair will be customed fitted to his body and is very expensive – after insurance, he is left a $5,400 co-pay.

According to a press release, the Bales family has incurred great expenses due to his illness. His wife, Teresa, is Rob’s sole caregiver and needs to be able to focus on his care and not determining how to come up with the monies necessary to purchase this much needed and critical piece of mobility equipment.

Most importantly the Bales family needs our prayers.

As a community let’s rally around and give back to Rob –  he dedicated his career to serving and protecting all of those that live in Clinton County.

If you are able to help in any way financially (any amount is appreciated).

Donations can be made to:

Robert Bales ALS Donational Fund

First Merchant’s Bank
60 S. Main Street
Frankfort, IN 46041 765-654-8533

“Alone we can do so little, Together we can do so much!”

Update (9/20/20): No New Clinton County Resident Tested Positive For COVID-19 As Reported By The ISDH

Indianapolis – The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) announced today, Sunday, September 20, 2020, Clinton County had no new resident test positive, 591 residents have tested positive for COVID-19. There are 12 deaths related to COVID-19 in Clinton County. At least 8,176 unique tests have been administrated to residents of Clinton County as reported by the ISDH.

The rolling 7-day positivity rate of unique individuals for Clinton County is 1.6% as of September 13, 2020. The State of Indiana as a whole is 6.8%.

Additionally, the ISDH announced that 756 additional Hoosiers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 through testing at ISDH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and private laboratories. That brings to 111,505 the total number of Indiana residents known to have the novel coronavirus following corrections to the previous day’s total.

A total of 3,281 Hoosiers have died to date. Deaths are reported based on when data are received by ISDH and occurred over multiple days.

To date, 1,301,940 unique tests have been administrated on Hoosiers and reported to ISDH, up from 1,292,615 on Saturday.

The Regenstrief Institute released updated hospitalization data as of September 19, 2020, 11:59 p.m. for Clinton County. Data are unique individuals and cumulative.

Total Hospitalizations: 47
Emergency Visits: 111
ICU Admits: 10
Hospital Deaths: 5

Statewide Recovery: 86,260 (84%)
Statewide Deceased: 3,270 (3%)
Statewide Active: 13,765 (13%)

Free COVID-19 Test Center in Clinton County
Children age 3 and older can be tested as well as anyone who needs a test can get tested.

Clinton County Fairgrounds in the Edward Jones Building
1701 S Jackson St.
Frankfort, IN
8am – 6pm (Monday – Friday)

To schedule a test, use one of the following:
phone: (888) 634-1116

The COVID-19 testing clinic has tested an additional 4,000+ Clinton County residents since May 13th.

Frankfort Fire Department Responds to Fire in Industrial Park

Frankfort – At 6:42 p.m. on Saturday, September 19, Frankfort Fire Department responded to reports of a fire at 2845 West State Road 28. Upon arrival, firefighters found smoke emitting from the roof of Federal-Mogul Corporation. Firefighters made entry and quickly knocked the fire down. Six off-duty firefighters were called in to provide coverage for the rest of the city.

According to Battalion Chief Mike Henry, “Building maintenance reported that the fire started in one of the large press machines. We acted quickly and were able to get the fire under control within 10 minutes.”

Firefighters cleared the smoke, overhauled, and cleared the scene by 7:39 p.m. All employees had safely exited the building prior to the arrival of firefighters. No injuries were reported.

Update (9/19/20): 1 New Clinton County Resident Has Tested Positive For COVID-19 As Reported By The ISDH

Indianapolis – The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) announced today, Saturday, September 19, 2020, Clinton County had 1 new resident test positive, 591 residents have tested positive for COVID-19. There are 12 deaths related to COVID-19 in Clinton County. At least 8,125 unique tests have been administrated to residents of Clinton County as reported by the ISDH.

The rolling 7-day positivity rate of unique individuals for Clinton County is 1.6% as of September 12, 2020. The State of Indiana as a whole is 6.7%.

Additionally, the ISDH announced that 1,104 additional Hoosiers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 through testing at ISDH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and private laboratories. That brings to 110,759 the total number of Indiana residents known to have the novel coronavirus following corrections to the previous day’s total.

A total of 3,278 Hoosiers have died to date. Deaths are reported based on when data are received by ISDH and occurred over multiple days.

To date, 1,292,615 unique tests have been administrated on Hoosiers and reported to ISDH, up from 1,281,438 on Friday.

The Regenstrief Institute released updated hospitalization data as of September 18, 2020, 11:59 p.m. for Clinton County. Data are unique individuals and cumulative.

Total Hospitalizations: 47
Emergency Visits: 111
ICU Admits: 10
Hospital Deaths: 5

Statewide Recovery: 86,260 (84%)
Statewide Deceased: 3,270 (3%)
Statewide Active: 13,765 (13%)

Free COVID-19 Test Center in Clinton County
Children age 3 and older can be tested as well as anyone who needs a test can get tested.

Clinton County Fairgrounds in the Edward Jones Building
1701 S Jackson St.
Frankfort, IN
8am – 6pm (Monday – Friday)

To schedule a test, use one of the following:
phone: (888) 634-1116

The COVID-19 testing clinic has tested an additional 4,000+ Clinton County residents since May 13th.

County Prepares For High Voter Turnout In November Presidential Election

Frankfort – With election turnout projections from the State of Indiana for the 2020 Presidential general election in-hand and having already received 765 valid requests for mail-in absentee applications, Rhea Harris, Clinton County Clerk of the Courts, made a request Tuesday during the Commissioners’ meeting to use the Commissioners’ meeting room, located in the courthouse, to conduct in-person absentee voting beginning October 6th.

“We have an election coming up … going back several years – 2012, 2016, and up to 2020 so far – the amount of voters that we have received in the past is a growing trend that our County has a significant turnout,” said Harris while addressing the three Clinton County Commissioners.

According to information obtained from the Indiana Secretary of State website, Clinton County had voter turnout exceeding 50% in the past two Presidential general elections – 2012 (54%) and 2016 (59%).

Harris spoke of the growing knowledge County residents have regarding the access to vote in-person absentee 28-days prior to election day. “The County people are aware now, beginning to become aware of the fact that we do have an absentee voting. The fact that they can come in 28-days before the election and they can vote by mail, which is much more secure here in Indiana than other states – those horror stories we hear in other states – a total different ball game here in Indiana. So, people don’t have to be afraid.”

During the 2020 primary held June 2nd, there were 41% of Clinton County voters that utilized some form of absentee voting – either mail-in or in-person and that number was 49% during the 2016 general election according to the Indiana Secretary of State website.

The State of Indiana provided guidance on voter turnout using three groupings – low, medium, and high – and Harris addressed how she prepares for elections. “Of course, I always go and plan for the high expectation and that is my expectation that we will be on the high expectation. I checked yesterday [Monday, Sep 14] and we’ve already had 765 valid requests for absentee applications. People are wanting to vote. We’re busy.

“With the amount of people that I expect to be here – in the courthouse, in person – I just don’t think my hallway and my office is going to be able to accommodate that.”

The Commissioners approved Harris’ request.

The State of Indiana recognizes 11 reasons to vote absentee by mail; however, any registered voter can vote absentee in-person without needing to provide a reason.

Here are the acceptable reasons:

1. You have a specific, reasonable expectation that you will be absent from the county on Election Day during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open (6 am until 6 pm).
2. You have a disability.
3. You are at least 65 years of age.
4. You will have official election duties outside of your voting precinct.
5. You are scheduled to work at your regular place of employment during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open.
6. You will be confined due to illness or injury or you will be caring for an individual confined due to illness or injury during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open.
7. You are prevented from voting because of a religious discipline or religious holiday during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open.
8. You are a participant in the state’s address confidentiality program.
9. You are a member of the military or a public safety officer.
10. You are a “serious sex offender” as defined in Indiana Code 35-42-4-14(a).
11. You are prevented from voting due to the unavailability of transportation to the polls.

The last day to submit an application for a mail-in absentee ballot is Thursday, October 22, 2020, at 11:59 pm at the County Clerk’s office. All completed mail-in ballots must be received by noon on November 3rd. In-person voting runs from October 6th through November 2nd.

The deadline to register to vote is Monday, October 5, 2020. Registering to vote can be completed online, by mail, or in-person.

Election day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Update (9/18/20): 1 Additional Clinton County Resident Has Died Related To COVID-19

Indianapolis – The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) announced today, Friday, September 18, 2020, Clinton County had 1 additional death related to COVID-19 and no new positive tests, 590 residents have tested positive for COVID-19. There are 12 deaths related to COVID-19 in Clinton County. At least 8,070 unique tests have been administrated to residents of Clinton County as reported by the ISDH.

The death is reported to have taken place Tuesday, September 15, 2020.

The rolling 7-day positivity rate of unique individuals for Clinton County is 1.7% as of September 11, 2020. The State of Indiana as a whole is 6.9%.

Additionally, the ISDH announced that 1,499 additional Hoosiers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 through testing at ISDH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and private laboratories. That brings to 109,683 the total number of Indiana residents known to have the novel coronavirus following corrections to the previous day’s total.

A total of 3,270 Hoosiers have died to date. Deaths are reported based on when data are received by ISDH and occurred over multiple days.

To date, 1,281,438 unique tests have been administrated on Hoosiers and reported to ISDH, up from 1,269,650 on Thursday.

The Regenstrief Institute released updated hospitalization data as of September 17, 2020, 11:59 p.m. for Clinton County. Data are unique individuals and cumulative.

Total Hospitalizations: 47
Emergency Visits: 111
ICU Admits: 10
Hospital Deaths: 5

Statewide Recovery: 86,260 (84%)
Statewide Deceased: 3,270 (3%)
Statewide Active: 13,765 (13%)

Free COVID-19 Test Center in Clinton County
Children age 3 and older can be tested as well as anyone who needs a test can get tested.

Clinton County Fairgrounds in the Edward Jones Building
1701 S Jackson St.
Frankfort, IN
8am – 6pm (Monday – Friday)

To schedule a test, use one of the following:
phone: (888) 634-1116

The COVID-19 testing clinic has tested an additional 4,000+ Clinton County residents since May 13th.

Clinton County High School Football Action For Week 5

Frankfort – Clinton Central (2-0) hosts the Taylor Titans (1-3) in a Hoosier Heartland Conference match-up. The Bulldogs defeated the Frontier Falcons last week, 44-38. While Taylor lost to Eastern 61-0. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. Friday, September 18.

Clinton Prairie (0-4) hosts the Sheridan Blackhawks (2-1) in a Hoosier Heartland Conference match-up. The Gophers lost last week to Tri-Central, 48-6. Sheridan was off last week. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. Friday, September 18.

Frankfort (2-2) makes the long trip north to Union Millis to take on the 1A South Central Satellites (2-2). The Hotdogs are coming off a win last week against the Southmont Mounties, 40-22. South Central lost to Wheeler 41-21. Kickoff is set for 8 p.m. Eastern – 7 p.m. Central Friday, September 18.

Update (9/17/20): 2 New Clinton County Residents Have Tested Positive For COVID-19 As Reported By The ISDH

Indianapolis – The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) announced today, Thursday, September 17, 2020, Clinton County had 2 new positive tests, 591 residents have tested positive for COVID-19. There are 11 deaths related to COVID-19 in Clinton County. At least 7,994 unique tests have been administrated to residents of Clinton County as reported by the ISDH.

The rolling 7-day positivity rate of unique individuals for Clinton County is 1.5% as of September 10, 2020. The State of Indiana as a whole is 6.6%.

Additionally, the ISDH announced that 850 additional Hoosiers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 through testing at ISDH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and private laboratories. That brings to 108,646 the total number of Indiana residents known to have the novel coronavirus following corrections to the previous day’s total.

A total of 3,253 Hoosiers have died to date. Deaths are reported based on when data are received by ISDH and occurred over multiple days.

To date, 1,269,650 unique tests have been administrated on Hoosiers and reported to ISDH, up from 1,261,892 on Wednesday.

The Regenstrief Institute released updated hospitalization data as of September 16, 2020, 11:59 p.m. for Clinton County. Data are unique individuals and cumulative.

Total Hospitalizations: 47
Emergency Visits: 111
ICU Admits: 10
Hospital Deaths: 5

Statewide Recovery: 85,334 (84%)
Statewide Deceased: 3,253 (3%)
Statewide Active: 13,202 (13%)

Free COVID-19 Test Center in Clinton County
Children age 3 and older can be tested as well as anyone who needs a test can get tested.

Clinton County Fairgrounds in the Edward Jones Building
1701 S Jackson St.
Frankfort, IN
8am – 6pm (Monday – Friday)

To schedule a test, use one of the following:
phone: (888) 634-1116

The COVID-19 testing clinic has tested an additional 4,000+ Clinton County residents since May 13th.

Update (9/16/20): No New Clinton County Residents Tested Positive For COVID-19 As Reported By The ISDH

The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) announced today, Wednesday, September 16, 2020, Clinton County had no new positive tests, 589 residents have tested positive for COVID-19. There are 11 deaths related to COVID-19 in Clinton County. At least 7,957 unique tests have been administrated to residents of Clinton County as reported by the ISDH.

The rolling 7-day positivity rate of unique individuals for Clinton County is 2.2% as of September 9, 2020. The State of Indiana as a whole is 6.8%.

Additionally, the ISDH announced that 624 additional Hoosiers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 through testing at ISDH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and private laboratories. That brings to 107,809 the total number of Indiana residents known to have the novel coronavirus following corrections to the previous day’s total.

A total of 3,247 Hoosiers have died to date. Deaths are reported based on when data are received by ISDH and occurred over multiple days.

To date, 1,261,892 unique tests have been administrated on Hoosiers and reported to ISDH, up from 1,254,731 on Tuesday.

The Regenstrief Institute released updated hospitalization data as of September 15, 2020, 11:59 p.m. for Clinton County. Data are unique individuals and cumulative.

Total Hospitalizations: 47
Emergency Visits: 111
ICU Admits: 10
Hospital Deaths: 5

Statewide Recovery: 84,336 (82%)
Statewide Deceased: 3,247 (3%)
Statewide Active: 13,579 (13%)

Free COVID-19 Test Center in Clinton County
Children age 3 and older can be tested as well as anyone who needs a test can get tested.

Clinton County Fairgrounds in the Edward Jones Building
1701 S Jackson St.
Frankfort, IN
8am – 6pm (Monday – Friday)

To schedule a test, use one of the following:
phone: (888) 634-1116

The COVID-19 testing clinic has tested an additional 4,000+ Clinton County residents since May 13th.

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