City of Frankfort’s New Leaf Machine Raises Awareness For Alzheimer’s Disease and Breast Cancer
FRANKFORT, Ind – The City of Frankfort is using its new leaf machine to raise awareness for Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Jason Forsythe, Frankfort Street Department Superintendent, proposed the idea of applying a vinyl wrap to each side – one done in purple for Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness and the other in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness. Each of the wraps was made available by a generous donation by the Center Township of Clinton County office.
“My family has been impacted by both breast cancer and Alzheimer’s,” said Forsythe. “These are terrible diseases that are hard for a lot of families. My hope is that the messages on our leaf machine will remind people that our community supports everyone who is struggling and we are all hoping for a cure.”
Leaf collection in the City takes place annually in the months of October and November. Each of those months happens to coincide with the causes being championed for higher awareness – National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in October and November is recognized as National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month.
Frankfort Mayor Judy Sheets supports the idea of utilizing City assets to take positive messages to the many neighborhoods. “We hope this leaf machine will bring a positive message to the community in a time when we all need encouragement,” said Mayor Sheets. “This year has been challenging in many ways. It has been exceptionally challenging for people who are faced with the added difficulty of illnesses such as breast cancer or Alzheimer’s disease.”
The National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. estimates that 30% of all women cancer diagnoses in 2020 will be breast cancer and report that 1 in 8 women in The United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in The United States.