FHS Changes Course, To Hold “Traditional Face-To-Face” Graduation On August 8 as “Plan A”

Frankfort High School has changed courses in regards to holding a virtual graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020.

As previously reported on April 21, Frankfort High School Principal Cindy Long sent an email to the senior class informing them of the decision to hold a virtual graduation ceremony.

That decision led to an online petition to be posted asking for a face-to-face ceremony as well as parents and guardians reaching out to school administrators expressing concern that a “traditional” graduation ceremony was not the first choice.

Parents and guardians of the Class of 2020 are receiving a letter from FHS Principal Long stating, “I recognize that our decision has caused disappointment and other ill-feelings. Please know that my intent was sincere. Frankfort High School wants nothing more than to hold our commencement in a traditional manner if safety allows, and our plan “A” is to do just that.”

“In the spirit of compromise, we will now hold our traditional face-to-face graduation on Saturday, August 8. 2020.”

There was no time of day provided in the letter.

Should plan “A” not be able to take place, a virtual program will be conducted.

Brett W. Todd is the managing editor of Clinton County Today. Clinton County Today is a community-focused website to provide individuals of Clinton County Indiana and surrounding areas with information impacting their lives. Clinton County Today is a service of Progressive Partners of Indiana, LLC where Brett W. Todd is its managing member.