Message From Clinton County Health Officer – April 7, 2020
Yesterday Governor Holcomb renewed his stay-at-home order. He emphasized several details of his order. Businesses must adhere to the CDC recommendations for maintaining social distancing. This includes limiting the number of shoppers as required to maintain social distance of at least six feet apart.
We should postpone making in-person purchases of goods and services unless and until such items are needed for sustenance, health, education or employment.
We should use online ordering with delivery or call-in delivering with delivery or curbside pickup as much as possible.
If we must shop in person, we should go to the fewest number of businesses as needed, spend the least amount of time needed and not take other people along as much as possible.
Today we now have 5 cases of COVID-19 in Clinton County. I am saddened whenever I hear of anyone suffering with this terrible disease. That said, our social distancing seems to be helping! We are better than my first prediction, but we are still increasing.
Please continue to STAY HOME, wash your hands at least four times a day and keep your distance-and your health!
Stephen D Tharp, MD
Health Officer