Indiana to Move to Stage 5 on Saturday, Sep 26

Indianapolis, Ind – Indiana is moving to Stage 5 of the Back on Track Plan on Saturday, Sep 26, per an announcement made by Governor Eric Holcomb from the Statehouse in Indianapolis Wednesday, Sep 23.

“That because of the progress that we’ve made over the last not one week, two weeks, three weeks, but going back now for a few months is that steady progression as a curve we’ll be able to move on to Stage 5 of our Back On Track Plan,” said Governor Holcomb. “I said last week … we were managing our way through this to mitigate, to slow that spread – I said the proof is in the puddin’ and the numbers continue to track in the right direction.”

So, what does Stage 5 mean?

First, Stage 5 is set for a period of time running from September 26 through October 17.

Face coverings will be required for all Hoosiers per executive order.

Must maintain social distancing, wash your hands, and do not go to work or school or in public places if you feel sick.

And, size limitations are removed for social gatherings and meetings. However, organizers of events that will include more than 500 people must submit a written plan to the local Health Department

For restaurants and bars that offer food service, they may open at full capacity – appropriate social distancing must be maintained between tables and bar section customers must be seated.

Meanwhile, bars and nightclubs may open at full capacity and customers must be seated and social distancing required.

Indoor and outdoor venues may open at full capacity following social distancing requirements.

Senior centers and congregant nutrition sites may reopen according to family and Social Services Administration guidance.

Personal services such as gyms, fitness centers, and work out facilities may resume normal operations with all of the required cleaning protocols in place

Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are required to provide visitation opportunities.

Communities are encouraged to monitor County’s standing in the color-coded metrics map and enact additional precautions if needed.

The Governor acknowledged some businesses will not be able to go back to pre-pandemic capacity as before due to the requirements still in place for physical and social distancing.

“Realistically, I understand,” said Governor Holcomb. “I get it. That because of what I just said not every establishment will be able to operate at what was their previous full capacity because of that physical distancing and social distancing that must occur.”

Governor Holcomb issued his first executive order related to the pandemic on March 6th and released the Back On Track Plan on May 1st, later modifying it to include Stage 4.5 on July 1st.

Brett W. Todd is the managing editor of Clinton County Today. Clinton County Today is a community-focused website to provide individuals of Clinton County Indiana and surrounding areas with information impacting their lives. Clinton County Today is a service of Progressive Partners of Indiana, LLC where Brett W. Todd is its managing member.